A huge, hardy, strong, and loyal dog originally from the Soviet Union, where it was bred after World War II from the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, St. Bernard, and Russian Spotted Hound. This breeding proved successful, creating a breed suitable for the most demanding guard duties, enduring any weather conditions, fearless yet not unnecessarily aggressive and easily trainable.
Despite everything, the dog needs to belong to its owner's pack, wanting to feel their favor and be part of the owner's family. A frequent and substantial exercise is an absolute necessity for the Moscow Watchdog.
The dog is manageable, and it's possible to take it among people without fear of inappropriate reactions. The Moscow Watchdog is suitable only for experienced breeders. When properly trained, it is well-behaved and easily controlled.
Moscow Watch Dog (Moskovskaya Storozhevaya)
TRANSLATION: O.Shebarova edited by E. Yerusalimsky
ORIGIN: Russia
UTILIZATION: The utilization of the breed is said in its name – guard, watching dog and companion. Perfectly accommodates in apartment and in house, undemanding in keeping and climatic conditions. Obedient, even-tempered, possess inherited guarding qualities.
FCI CLASSIFICATION: Group 2. Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds - Swiss
Mountain and Cattle Dogs.
Section 2.2 Molossoid breeds.
Without working trial.
Moskovskaya Storozhevaya has been bred in 50ies of XX century. The originator of the breed was Central School of Military Dog-breeding, Kennel “Krasnaya Zvezda” (Red Star Kennel). The breed is created by interbreeding of Kavkazskaya Ovcharka, Saint-Bernard and Russkaya Pegaya Gonchaya. The progenitor of Moskovskaya Storozhevaya breed was Orslan.
The first description of Moskovskaya Storozhevaya breed was made in 1958. Next standard was published in 1985 together with receiving the breed status. April 17th, 1992 the present standard was approved by the Russian Federation of Working Dogs. The valid standard with slight changes and additions was approved in 1997 by the Russian Kynological Federation and accepted by the Department of Stockbreeding and Breeding of Russian Ministry of Agriculture and Farming, and also.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: Moskovskaya Storozhevaya is of harmonious conformation, has strong type, large, wide, slightly elongated body, well muscled, active and agile. Sexual type is distinctly pronounced; males are more massive and masculine than females.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Height at withers for males is not less than 68 cm, for females is not less than 66 cm. Length of body to height at withers is 104%-105% for males and 106%-108% for females.
Depth of chest to height at withers is 50% - 52%.
Length of muzzle to length of head is 34%-37%.
BEHAVIOR/TEMPERAMENT: Obedient, self-confident, even-tempered, intelligent among guard dogs, with distinctly expressed guarding instinct, independent and friendly, devoted to owner and family, never shows unmotivated aggression. Easy to train, could also be a companion, protective, service and guarding dog.
HEAD: Massive, large, and balanced to general appearance.
Skull: Broad and deep, wide forehead, slightly prominent, frontal furrow slightly marked, superciliary arches are well developed, massive occiput is hardly visible because of well developed muscles.
Stop: Short, well defined, quite deep.
Nose: Large, wide, black
Muzzle: Shorter than scull, wide, broad, deep, well-filled under eyes. Length of muzzle to length of head is about 34% - 37%. Parallel planes of the forehead and bridge nose.
Lips: Thick, fleshy, black, tight, completely covering lower jaw when mouth is shut, no flews.
Jaws/Teeth: Jaws are strong and wide. Teeth are large, white, tight to each other, 42 in total, incisors are set in one line. Scissors bite. The absence of canines and incisors, not preventing to define the bite, do not influence on the mark of the dog.
Cheeks: well developed
Eyes: Medium-sized, dark, rounded, deeply and wide set. Expression is calm and confident. Eyelids are black, tight, and reasonably dry.
Ears: Medium-sized, hanging on cartilages, triangular in shape slightly rounded at the tips, front edge of the ears remains close to cheek-bones, set above eye-line, haired.
NECK: Medium-length, oval at cross-section, approximately equal to head length, well-muscled, medium-high set, nape is distinctly shown, slight dewlap is tolerated.
Top line: Level, sold.
Withers: Well-developed above the back, especially in males, wide, long, well muscled.
Withers are higher than rump.
Back: Strong, level, wide, muscled, length is about ½ of length from withers beginning to tail set.
Loin: Short, wide, muscled, slightly arched.
Croup: Wide, muscled, moderately long, slightly sloping.
Chest: Deep, long, broad, distinctly developed, ribcage broadening back. Forechest is slightly in front of the humeroscapular. Lower part of chest is at the level of elbow or slightly lower.
Underline and belly: Belly is moderately tucked up.
TAIL: Wide, thick, reaching to the hocks. Set on a position to blend with sloping croup. Hanging at rest with slight curve at the end, sickle-shaped above the back when alert. Evenly coated.
LIMBS: Strong bones.
General Appearance: Forelegs viewed from the front are straight and parallel.
Shoulder: Shoulder blade long, well laid back, forming an angle with the upper arm about 90°-100°, well-muscled.
Upper arm: Oblique, moderately long, massive.
Elbow: Never turned or in either out. Height at elbow is about 50-52% regarding height at withers.
Forearm: straight, fairly long, massive.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Short, wide, strong, slightly inclined.
Forefeet: Large, rounded, arching toes, pads are fleshy and thick; nails could be of any colour.
General Appearance: Viewed from the rear straight and parallel, set a little wider than forequarters.
Upper thigh: Not too long, a bit slanted.
Stifle: Fairly bent.
Lower thigh: Upper thigh and lower thigh are almost of the same length.
Hock joint: Well angulated viewed from the side
Metatarsus (rear pastern): almost upright positioned, short and volumish. No dewclaws.
Hind feet: Oval shape, arched, fleshy with thick pads, nails of any colour.
GAIT/MOVEMENT: Sound and balanced slow movement. Typical gaits are fairly reaching trot and heavy gallop. While trotting legs are parallel to the axes of the body, when increasing in motion, the forequarters are more close to the axes of the body. Joints are freely bending and unbending; withers and croup are approximately at the same level.
SKIN: Thick, without excessive loose skin, dewlap is tolerated.
Hair: Volumish, long, dense, with perfectly developed undercoat, straight guard hair. Shorter hair is at the head and front part of the limbs. Furnishing is better developed in males and forms a mane at the neck, back of the limbs; tail is evenly coated. Slightly wavy coat at the loin, croup and forearms is tolerated.
COLOUR: Red-skew-bald, spotted: white colour with red, red-black, black-red, sable spots.
Red shadings of the coat should be presented regardless spots colour. White colour on the chest, forearms up to the elbows, rear pasterns up to the hocks and tip of tail is required. Specks on the white colour of any of the above mentioned varieties are preferable as well as the black monocles and blackish coloured ears. The most desirable colour is as follows: dark head due to black mask (with or without white blazer), black monocles and ears is in a contrast with more light coloured body with reddish spots separated from the white colour by distinct sable borders.
Height at the withers: in males – 77-78 cm,
in females – 72-73 cm.
No upper size limit.
Weight: in males – from 55 kg,
in females - from 45 kg.
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered as a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Any departures from built type or anatomy. Light, square-bodied. Slackness, excessive excitability. Narrow light head, rounded skull, smooth or abrupt stop. Too hanging lips, too wet lips at the corners. Deep interorbital furrow, deep wrinkles at forehead, too fleshy cheeks. Lack of lips pigmentation, not fully pigmented nose. Crumpled ears, half-standing, falling away ears. Too light, prominent eyes, obliquely set eyes, loose eyelids, third eyelid, and gloomy eye expression. Irregularly set incisors. Too long, highly set neck, excessive dewlap. Croup distinctly higher than withers. Kinky tail, ring tail, stumped-tail. Straight shoulders or acute shoulder articulation. Short shoulder blades or upper arms. Too close in front or in the rear. Cow-hocked. Too long second thighs. Too opened hocks, too weak tendons. Curly hair, very short coat, no furnishing. Other than mentioned above colours. White spots at the ears, asymmetrical monocles, lack of monocles, or one-eye monocle, monocles without black colour, not full monocles. Height of males under 68 cm, females under 66 cm.
Aggressive or overly shy dogs
Undershot or overshot mouth, level bite, wry mouth
Missing of at least one tooth
Brown eyelids and nose
Blue or green eyes, wall eye
Unbalanced movements, pacing
Feminine males, masculine females
Cryptorchism including monorchism
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.