Clumber Spaniel

Clumber Spaniel. Source: Wikipedia Author: Pleple2000

A noble hunter, probably originally from France, a dog popular among the English nobility.
A kind-hearted and loyal dog, devoted to its master and its family.
The Clumber Spaniel is a gentle dog who is good with children and who needs to know that he belongs in the family and that he is given attention.
However, it has a strong hunting instinct, so it is necessary to pay attention to its coexistence with other pets and to raise it properly but sensitively.
It is a naturally active dog, but it will get used to being on the couch at home. Still, it is good to give it exercise in nature and ideally the opportunity to help with hunting.
If you can't give this noble breed enough activity, you need to make sure he doesn't get fat, as this will have an adverse effect on his health.
This intelligent dog is suited to an owner who understands that the dog is a full member of the household.


FCI-Standard N° 109


ORIGIN: Great Britain.


UTILIZATION: Flushing dog.

FCI-CLASSIFICATION: Group 8 Retrievers, Flushing dogs,
Water dogs.
Section 2 Flushing dogs.
With working trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: Clumber Spaniels are said to have come in the first place from France over two hundred years ago, the Clumber was brought to Great Britain by the Duke of Newcastle, and bred at his family home of Clumber Park in Nottinghamshire.
It is a very heavy dog, and his pace of working is more leisurely than that of other Spaniels. That has been allowed to become ever heavier since around the 1950s, and though the top weight for dogs now stands at 34 kgs, it would appear that some are in excess of even this figure. However, lovers of the breed should make certain that his great size does not encourage any weakness in his hindquarters.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Balanced, well boned, active with a thoughtful expression, overall appearance denoting strength. The Clumber should be firm, fit and capable of a day’s work in the field.

BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT: Stoical, great-hearted, highly intelligent with a determined attitude enhancing his natural ability. A silent worker with an excellent nose. Steady, reliable, kind and dignified; more aloof than other Spaniels, showing no tendency towards aggression.

HEAD: Large, square, medium length. No exaggeration in head and skull.

Skull: Broad on top with decided occiput; heavy brows.
Stop: Deep.

Muzzle: Square.
Lips: Well developed flews.
Jaws / Teeth: Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely over-lapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Eyes: Clean, dark amber. Full light eyes highly undesirable. Acceptable to have some haw showing but without excess. Free from obvious eye problems.
Ears: Large, vine leaf-shaped, well covered with straight hair. Hanging slightly forward, feather not to extend below leather.

NECK: Fairly long, thick, powerful.

BODY: Long, well muscled and strong.
Back: Straight, broad, long.
Loin: Muscular.
Chest: Deep; well sprung ribs which are carried well back.
Underline and belly: Well let down in flank.

TAIL: Previously customarily docked.
Docked: Set low. Well feathered, carried level with back.
Undocked: Set low. Well feathered, carried level with back.


Shoulder: Strong, sloping, muscular.

Forearm: Legs short, straight, well boned, strong.
Forefeet: Large, round, well covered with hair.

General appearance: Very powerful and well developed hindquarters.
Stifle (Knee): Well bent and set straight.
Hock joint: Low.
Hind feet: Large, round, well covered with hair.

GAIT / MOVEMENT: Moving straight fore and aft, with effortless drive.

Hair: Abundant, close, silky and straight. Legs and chest well feathered.

Colour: Plain white body preferred, with lemon markings; orange permissible. Slight head markings and freckled muzzle.

Ideal weight: Males: 29,5 – 34 kgs.
Females: 25 – 29.5 kgs.

FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on its ability to perform its traditional work.

• Aggressive or overly shy.
• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

The latest amendments are in bold characters.